Zaterdag 22 november - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: DALE1-1 The Prospect - DM Joost Smekens The Fall of Stars is the most famous adventurers’ club in Faerûn. Who can say no when offered membership in the Stellar Fellowship, for a mere errand? But of course, things are never that simple. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Dalelands for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 14:00. Start om 14:30. |
Zaterdag 29 november - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: DALE1-1 The Prospect - DM Jeroen Janssens The Fall of Stars is the most famous adventurers’ club in Faerûn. Who can say no when offered membership in the Stellar Fellowship, for a mere errand? But of course, things are never that simple. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Dalelands for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 14:00. Start om 14:30. |