vrijdag 28 januari 2011

Agenda februari 2011

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zondag 20 februari – D&D Encounters
Slot 1: Keep on the Borderlands (Encounter 9+) - DM Joost Smekens
Venture into the perilous Chaos Scar with a heroic band of adventurers. Every session you and your companions will face a new challenge, playing through an ongoing D&D campaign—one epic encounter at a time. Earn exclusive rewards as you gain Renown Points for accomplishments made during each season!
Samenkomst bij J&M om 13:00. Start om 13:15.

Zaterdag 26 februari – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Wim Props
The campaign continues with the adventure The Temple Between. This is an adventure for 10th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

dinsdag 4 januari 2011

Agenda Januari 2011

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zaterdag 8 januari - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: CORE1-8 Taken - DM James Prieels
The Night Knives have been punished for the kidnapping of many children in the city of Saerloon and with it the authorities say the crime has been solved and the abductions stopped. But is it ever that simple? What if some say that there are still children missing that need rescuing from a dark fate indeed? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Sembia for characters levels 7 - 10. Sequel to CORE1-5 Touched by Darkness.
Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 13:00. Start om 13:15.

Zondag 23 januari – D&D Encounters
Slot 1: Keep on the Borderlands (Encounter 6+) - DM Joost Smekens
Venture into the perilous Chaos Scar with a heroic band of adventurers. Every session you and your companions will face a new challenge, playing through an ongoing D&D campaign—one epic encounter at a time. Earn exclusive rewards as you gain Renown Points for accomplishments made during each season!
Samenkomst bij J&M om 13:00. Start om 13:15.

Zondag 30 januari – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Wim Props
The campaign continues with the adventure The Temple Between. This is an adventure for 10th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.