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Zaterdag 7 februari - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: LURU1-1 Slivers of Eaerlann - DM Jeroen Janssens Luruar is a haven of peace and culture surrounded by howling wilderniss studded with lost ruins, hidden temples, and the lairs of foul, vicious creatures. Things that are lost, however, do not always stay so and some things hidden refuse to remain in darkness. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Luruar for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 13:30. Start om 13:45. | ![]() |
Zaterdag 28 februari - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: CORE1-3 Sense of Wonder - DM Joost Smekens You are summoned to help a cleric of Gond Wonderbringer, who seeks the location of a lost temple to the Lord of All Smiths. Think of all the marvelous inventions, lost since the Spellplague came crashing down on the nation of Lantan, that might lie waiting to be rediscovered and brought back to the lands of Faerun! A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Nelanther Isles for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 13:30. Start om 13:45 in café De Klok. | ![]() |
Slot 2: LURU1-1 Slivers of Eaerlann - DM Jeroen Janssens Luruar is a haven of peace and culture surrounded by howling wilderniss studded with lost ruins, hidden temples, and the lairs of foul, vicious creatures. Things that are lost, however, do not always stay so and some things hidden refuse to remain in darkness. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Luruar for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 13:30. Start om 13:45 in café De Klok. | ![]() |
2 opmerkingen:
Hi there,
I would like to know if the sessions are played in English, as I'm not Dutch-speaker.
PS: I'm already a member of RPGA
Zaterdag 07/01 - Slot 1 - LURU1-1(Jeroen DM, 1 plaats vrij)
(Joost, Tom, Wim, Patrick C, Jurgen)
Zaterdag 28/02 - Slot 1 - CORE1-3(Joost DM, 1 plaats vrij)
(Fausto*, Jurgen, Patrick C, Patrick)
(Wim, Christophe)
Zaterdag 28/02 - Slot 2 - LURU1-1(Jeroen DM, 1 plaats vrij)
(Tom, Adriaan, Kurt, Pascal M)
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