woensdag 29 april 2009

Agenda Juni 2009

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zaterdag 6 juni - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: DRAG1-1 Many Hands Make Light Work - DM Joost Smekens
Westgate is a dangerous city at any time, but today it’s about to live up to its name. Today, a band of pious Silverstars have arrived in your precinct and they need a little help with renovations and… removals. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Dragon Coast for characters levels 1-4.
Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:45. Start om 13:00.

Zaterdag 20 juni - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: CORE1-2 The Radiant Vessel of Thesk - DM Joost Smekens
Rumors of a great item, touched by divinity, have traveled across Faerûn. Those with an interest in possessing the item and benefiting from its power have sent agents to find it, but no one seems to know what or where it is. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Thesk for characters levels 1-4.
Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:45. Start om 13:00.

Zaterdag 27 juni - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: EAST1-1 These Hallowed Halls - DM Jeroen Janssens
The Crafty Kobold Salvage Company has fearlessly plumbed forgotten treasures from the depths of the earth for many years. Now the owner’s son has gone missing and he needs adventurers of uncommon mettle to brave the dangers of the Underdark, find the lost explorers, and perhaps even unlock the ancient secrets of Lodestone Deep. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the East Rift for characters levels 1-4.
Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:45. Start om 13:00.

vrijdag 3 april 2009

LFR Adventure Company - Society of Wandering Adventurers and Treasurehunters (S.W.A.T.)

While the members of this society have build a name for themself as notorious, treasureseeking, brawling and corpserobbing adventurers, they secretly have sworn an oath to oppose the forces of darkness and evil that surround the goodly regions of Cormyr, the Dalelands and the elven realm of Myth Drannor.

- The members must be from one of the following regions: Cormyr, the Dalelands or Myth Drannor. A character that is not from one of these regions must be sponsored by an existing member that is from one of these regions.
- The members must swear an oath to oppose the Zhentarim, Sembia and the Netherese whenever they can.
- The members must show they are true adventurers by being trained in at least one of the following skills : Streetwise (notorious), Perception (treasureseeking), Intimidate (brawling) and Thievery (corpserobbing). If the character can show evidence that they oppose Sembia, the Netherese and the Zhentarim or that they have gained the favor of Cormyr, the Dalelands or Myth Drannor, they might gain a free pass for this skill requirement. If your character earned a story award that proves this (for example CORM01 or WEEK06), the skill training requirement is dropped.

Current Members
Solanthalasar 'Solar' Sunburst - Eladrin Wizard (Jeroen Janssens, 2109868783)
Ferrin Tobbelwood - Halfling Rogue (Jurgen De Landsheer, 1204215361)
Sardin Ancho - Genasi Warlord (Adriaan Van Bauwel, 1204215153)
James Wolf - Halfling Fighter (Kurt Michiels, 1204215347)
Delazar Dalmor - Eladrin Wizard (Fausto Passarelli, 7169882345)
Corrin Mason - Human Cleric of Kelemvor (Patrick Meganck, 121291628)
Ilyena Silverfur - Shifter Paladin of Selûne (Marijke Van Gysegem, 1204215083)
Norad - Elf Ranger (Patrick Catalano, 1204215226)
Maya - Elf Rogue (Katrijn De Maere, 1204215392)
Don'Aar - Dragonborn Warden (Joost Smekens, 1212917166)
Dane Kirtol - Half-elf Paladin (Wim Props, 1204215330)
Arjuna - Githzerai Hybrid (Frank Zaeske, 106009584)
Hyorinmioun - Shardmind Assassin (Anton Engels, 1204215229)

Agenda Mei 2009

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zaterdag 2 mei - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: WATE1-1 Heirloom - DM Adriaan Van Bauwel
An old tutor asks the adventurers to recover a stolen family heirloom for a “down-on-their-luck” Waterdhavian noble family. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Waterdeep for characters levels 1-4.
Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:45. Start om 13:00.

Zaterdag 9 mei - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: CORM1-1 The Black Knight of Arabel - DM Jeroen Janssens
Your party is sent to investigate allegations of Netherese activity near Arabel: a dark rider commanding legions of shadow. Can you turn back the tide before it is too late? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Cormyr for characters levels 1-4.
Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 13:30. Start om 14:00.

Woensdag 20 mei - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: IMPI1-1 Alone - DM Jeroen Janssens
Impiltur is not a safe country for those who are alone. When a young woman’s father dies, can you resist her cry for help? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Impiltur for characters levels 1-4.
Samenkomst bij Patrick C. thuis om 19:00. Start om 19:15.

Zaterdag 23 mei - Worldwide D&D Gameday
Er zal een speciaal avontuur kunnen gespeeld worden naar aanleiding van het uitbrengen van Monster Manual II. Het avontuur heet Journey Through the Silver Caves en zal kunnen gespeeld worden met vooraf gegenereerde personages. De mogelijke personages om mee te spelen zijn Althaea (5th level Eladrin Wizard), Arjhana (5th level Dragonborn Rogue), Chance (5th level Tiefling Warlord), Eomer (5th level Dwarf Paladin) en Uthal (5th level Goliath Barbarian). Deze vooraf gegenereerde personages werden deze keer voorbereid met de D&D Insider Character Generator.

Iedereen zal ook zijn kennis van 4th edition kunnen testen met een speciale trivia test.

Slot 1: Journey Through the Silver Caves - DM Joost Smekens
In Journey Through the Silver Caves, the PCs pursue a kobold wyrmpriest in pursuit of a stolen book of prophecy. An adventure for 4-6 pregenerated 5th-level characters.
Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 13:00. Start om 13:15.

Zaterdag 30 mei - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: BALD1-1 Flames of Initiation - DM Joost Smekens
You have come to the city of Baldur’s Gate in search of adventure and quickly discover the Flaming Fist, one of the largest and most powerful mercenary companies in all Faerun. To survive in this teeming metropolis, you must prove both your physical and political prowess, and the challenges you will face might turn out to be far more complicated than you imagined. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Baldur’s Gate for characters levels 1-4.
Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 10:00. Start om 10:15.