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Zaterdag 6 juni - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: DRAG1-1 Many Hands Make Light Work - DM Joost Smekens Westgate is a dangerous city at any time, but today it’s about to live up to its name. Today, a band of pious Silverstars have arrived in your precinct and they need a little help with renovations and… removals. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Dragon Coast for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:45. Start om 13:00. | ![]() |
Zaterdag 20 juni - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: CORE1-2 The Radiant Vessel of Thesk - DM Joost Smekens Rumors of a great item, touched by divinity, have traveled across Faerûn. Those with an interest in possessing the item and benefiting from its power have sent agents to find it, but no one seems to know what or where it is. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Thesk for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:45. Start om 13:00. | ![]() |
Zaterdag 27 juni - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: EAST1-1 These Hallowed Halls - DM Jeroen Janssens The Crafty Kobold Salvage Company has fearlessly plumbed forgotten treasures from the depths of the earth for many years. Now the owner’s son has gone missing and he needs adventurers of uncommon mettle to brave the dangers of the Underdark, find the lost explorers, and perhaps even unlock the ancient secrets of Lodestone Deep. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the East Rift for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:45. Start om 13:00. | ![]() |
1 opmerking:
Zaterdag 06/06 - Slot 1 - DRAG-1-1 (HIGH)
DM Joost
#1 Jeroen - Eladrin Wizard 4
#2 Fausto - Eladrin Wizard 4
#3 Jurgen - Deva Avenger 2
#4 Wim - Warforged Warlock 2
#5 Patrick - Minotaur Warden 2
Zaterdag 20/06 - Slot 1 - CORE1-2 (HIGH)
DM Joost
#1 Adriaan - Human Bard 2
#2 Fausto - Eladrin Wizard 4
#3 Patrick C. - Elf Ranger 4
#4 Jurgen - Deva Avenger 2
#5 Wim - Warforged Warlock 2
#6 Patrick - Minotaur Warden 2
Zaterdag 27/06 - Slot 1 - EAST1-1 (HIGH)
DM Jeroen
#1 Joost - Dragonborn Warden 2
#2 Adriaan - Human Bard 3
#3 Patrick C. - Elf Ranger 4
#4 Jurgen - Deva Avenger 3
#5 Wim - Warforged Warlock 3
#6 Patrick - Minotaur Barbarian 3
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