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Zaterdag 13 maart - Living Forgotten RealmsSlot 1: CORM1-7 - Patronage and Pestilence - DM Jeroen Janssens A disease has hit the outskirts of Suzail, and the captain of the guard has hired the PCs to provide safe transport for the arriving cure. Unfortunately, everyone else in town wants it just as badly. Can the heroes protect the medicine for the sick and dying, or will the temptation of wealth be too much to pass up? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Cormyr for characters levels 1-4. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:30. Start om 13:00. |  |
Zaterdag 20 maart - Worldwide D&D GamedayEr zal een speciaal avontuur kunnen gespeeld worden naar aanleiding van het uitbrengen van Players Handbook III. Het avontuur heet Beneath the Lonely Tower. Om eens iets anders te zijn, zal dit adventure gespeeld worden als twee My Realms Living Forgotten Realms adventures. Daarnaast organiseren we ook de eerste sessie van het nieuwe D&D organized play programma: D&D Encounters. Het eerste seizoen is een Forgotten Realms adventure dat zich in Undermountain afspeelt. Je kan dit spelen met een nieuwe 1ste level personage of je kan een van de vooraf gegenereerde personages spelen (Elf Ranger, Tiefling Psion, Drow Dark Pact Warlock, Githzerai Monk, Half-elf Cleric of Sune of Human Paladin of Jergal). Na dit seizoen zal je D&D Encounters personage ook geldig zijn in Living Forgotten Realms. |  |
Slot 1: D&D Encounters - Halaster's Lost Apprentice (Encounter 1) - DM Jeroen Janssens A lost passageway on the upper level of the most infamous dungeon in Faerûn has recently been uncovered. When a patron hires a band of adventurers to brave the dangers of Undermountain, a search is on to uncover secrets of an apprentice of the dungeon's lost creator - Halaster. Undermountain: Halaster's Lost Apprentice is designed for five characters of 1st level and is the spring 2010 season of the D&D Encounters official play program. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 11:45. Start om 12:00. |  |
Slot 2: MYRE1-1 - Beneath the Lonely Tower (part 1) - DM Jeroen Janssens The adventurers are asked by the people of Beorunna's Wel to investigate the disappearances of several local citizens, as well as two teams of investigators previously sent to explore the Lonely Tower. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Luruar for characters levels 4-7. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 12:45. Start om 13:00. |  |
Slot 3: MYRE1-1 - Beneath the Lonely Tower (part 2) - DM Jeroen Janssens The adventurers are asked by the people of Beorunna's Wel to investigate the disappearances of several local citizens, as well as two teams of investigators previously sent to explore the Lonely Tower. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Luruar for characters levels 4-7. Dit adventure wordt aansluitend aan slot 1 gespeeld. |  |
Zondag 28 maart – Scales of WarSlot 1: Scales of War – DM Fausto Passarelli The campaign continues with the adventure The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge. This is an adventure for 5th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information. Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15. |  |