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Zaterdag 7 juli - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: QUES1-1 Black Cloaks and Bitter Rivalries - DM James Prieels You have haggled with the potter, you have given the coin to the stranger, and you have spared the life of an agent. Now, the Zhentarim is offering you a chance to join their ranks. Darkhold and the secrets of the Black Network await for those clever and ruthless enough to infiltrate the Zhentarim. You must have the Zhentarim Infiltration Quest Card completed and in your character's stack to participate in this adventure. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the Western Heartlands for characters levels 7-10. Samenkomst in Hermelijn om 10:45. Start om 11:00. | ![]() |
1 opmerking:
Zaterdag 07/08 - Slot 1 (11:00-19:00) - QUES1-1 (7-10)
DM James
#1 Jeroen - Eladrin Wizard
#2 Wim - Half-elf Paladin
#3 Joost - Human Cleric
#4 Jurgen - Halfling Rogue
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