maandag 6 februari 2012

Adventure Path - Session 1

An adventuring party comes to the rescue of another small adventuring party that came under attack by kobolds on the King's Road. After defeating the reptilian ambushers, they agree to travel to Winterhaven together.

In Winterhave the group meets with several of the locals, gathering information about their quests. After spending the night and while waiting for the research of the local sage, they head out towards a nearby burial site in search of a missing mentor.

On the King's Road, they are ambushed again by kobolds and defeat them once more. They find proof that the kobolds are also involved with Orcus.

Arriving at the burial site, they are attacked by ruffians led by a gnome and a spectral apparation. They destroy the apparation and defeat the humanoids. The gnome confesses that the shopkeeper in Winterhaven is behind the cultist activity. The party also rescues the missing mentor who asks his pupils to dig deeper into the cultist's activities. They also recover a mirror, a relic the cultists were looking for.

The party returns to Winterhaven with the gnome and the mentor. Before reaching the town, they spot trouble at one of the farms. The enter the farm and defeat the ruffians but fail so save the farmer's daughter. The captured ruffians, who also are involved with the cult, confirm the Winterhaven shopkeeper's involvement in the cult's activities.

Total XP: 580
Total Coins: 18 gp, 28 sp

3 opmerkingen:

James Prieels zei

More gossip, please! Any heroics deeds or brushes with death? Any conflicts between goody two shoes, schoolyard bullies and other sociopaths? Anyone peed their pants?

Delazar zei

Where are the character sheets/bios? Good luck with this adventure path!

Delazar zei

also, I suggest to add "tags" to your posts...