dinsdag 1 november 2011

Agenda november 2011

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Zondag 13 november - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: AKAN1-5 Shell Game - DM Jeroen Janssens
A package lands in your hands, and sounds of combat are all around. Whatever is within must reach its destination, and only you can carry it there now. What do you do? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Akanûl for characters levels 7-10.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 13:00. Start om 13:15.

Zondag 20 november - Living Forgotten Realms
Slot 1: CORE1-15 Where Dragons Die - DM Marijke Van Gysegem
Netheril's influence is expanding alarmingly and the Silverstars of Selune are becoming desperate. The task of finding a weapon suitable for battling this expansion has fallen to you and your only clues take you to a place where mortals dare not tread. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set near Netheril for characters levels 11-14. The third part of the Bane of Shadows trilogy.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 13:00. Start om 13:15.

Zondag 27 november – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Jurgen De Landsheer
The campaign continues with the adventure Haven of the Bitter Glass. This is an adventure for 13th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

1 opmerking:

Jerre zei

Zondag 13/11 AKAN1-5 (LFR 7-10) vanaf 13:00 bij J&M

DM Jeroen
#1 Wouter
#2 Thomas
R1 Joost

Zondag 20/11 CORE1-15 (LFR 11-14) vanaf 13:00 bij J&M

DM Marijke
#1 Jeroen
#2 Frank
#3 Jurgen
R1 Joost
R2 Wim

Zondag 27/10 Scales of War vanaf 11:00 bij J&M

DM Jurgen
#1 Jeroen
#2 Joost
#3 Patrick
#4 Wim
#5 James