dinsdag 20 november 2012

Agenda December 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zaterdag 8 december – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Joost Smekens
The campaign continues with the adventure Thunderspire Labyrinth. This is an adventure for 5th level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij Joost thuis om 11:00. Start om 11:15.
Zaterdag 22 september – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Marijke Van Gysegem
The campaign continues with the adventure Garaitha's Anvil. This is an adventure for 16th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

zondag 7 oktober 2012

Agenda oktober 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zondag 28 oktober – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Marijke Van Gysegem
The campaign continues with the adventure Garaitha's Anvil. This is an adventure for 17th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij Joost om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

donderdag 30 augustus 2012

Agenda September 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zaterdag 8 september – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Joost Smekens
The campaign continues with the adventure Thunderspire Labyrinth. This is an adventure for 5th level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.
Zondag 30 september – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Marijke Van Gysegem
The campaign continues with the adventure Garaitha's Anvil. This is an adventure for 16th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij Joost om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

maandag 6 augustus 2012

Agenda Augustus 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zondag 19 augustus – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Wim Props
The campaign continues with the adventure Throne of the Stone-Skinned King. This is an adventure for 16th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij Joost om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

Zondag 26 augustus – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Joost Smekens
The campaign continues with the adventure Thunderspire Labyrinth. This is an adventure for 4rd level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

maandag 2 juli 2012

Agenda Juli 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zondag 22 juli – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Jeroen Janssens
The campaign continues with the adventure Keep on the Shadowfell. This is an adventure for 3rd level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

Zaterdag 28 juli – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Wim Props
The campaign continues with the adventure Throne of the Stone-Skinned King. This is an adventure for 16th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

zondag 3 juni 2012

Agenda Juni 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zaterdag 16 juni – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Wim Props
The campaign continues with the adventure Throne of the Stone-Skinned King. This is an adventure for 15th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

Zondag 24 juni – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Jeroen Janssens
The campaign continues with the adventure Keep on the Shadowfell. This is an adventure for 2nd level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 13:00. Start om 13:15.

zondag 29 april 2012

Agenda Mei 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zaterdag 12 mei – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM Wim Props
The campaign continues with the adventure Throne of the Stone-Skinned King. This is an adventure for 15th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

Zondag 27 mei – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Jeroen Janssens
The campaign continues with the adventure Keep on the Shadowfell. This is an adventure for 2nd level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

zaterdag 31 maart 2012

Adventure Path - Session 2

The party warns the lord of Winterhaven about the cultists. The lord seals off the town and while he hears the testimony of Douven and the gnome, the party confronts the cultist shopkeeper. When this one flees into the cellar of his ship, the party discovers more cultists and some undead. They defeat them and hand the shopkeeper over to the lord of Winterhaven. In a secret part of the cellar they discover more information about the Keep on the Shadowfell.

While they are back in town they get in touch with the sage who hands over his research on the Keep on the Shadowfell.

The next day, the party sets out for the kobold lair and after defeating some kobolds lying in wait for them, they enter the lair itself and defeat the rest of the tribe and their hobgoblin leader. They discover that the kobolds were warned.

They return to Winterhaven and claim their rewards for defeating the kobolds. After taking a meal, they set out for the Keep on the Shadowfell. They disturb a band of hobgoblin slavers who try to ambush the party. The party defeats them and rescues several civilians who they escort back to Winterhaven.

After a night's rest, the party sets out for the keep once more and this time arrives unmolested at the ruined keep. A staircase now leads into darkness.

Total XP: 1235
Total Coins: 172 gp, 85 sp

donderdag 29 maart 2012

Agenda april 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zondag 15 april – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM James Prieels
The campaign continues with the adventure Alliance at Nefulus. This is an adventure for 15th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

Zaterdag 21 april – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Jeroen Janssens
The campaign continues with the adventure Keep on the Shadowfell. This is an adventure for 2nd level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

dinsdag 28 februari 2012

Agenda maart 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zaterdag 24 maart – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM James Prieels
The campaign continues with the adventure Alliance at Nefulus. This is an adventure for 14th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

Zaterdag 31 maart – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Jeroen Janssens
The campaign continues with the adventure Keep on the Shadowfell. This is an adventure for 1st level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

maandag 6 februari 2012

Adventure Path - Session 1

An adventuring party comes to the rescue of another small adventuring party that came under attack by kobolds on the King's Road. After defeating the reptilian ambushers, they agree to travel to Winterhaven together.

In Winterhave the group meets with several of the locals, gathering information about their quests. After spending the night and while waiting for the research of the local sage, they head out towards a nearby burial site in search of a missing mentor.

On the King's Road, they are ambushed again by kobolds and defeat them once more. They find proof that the kobolds are also involved with Orcus.

Arriving at the burial site, they are attacked by ruffians led by a gnome and a spectral apparation. They destroy the apparation and defeat the humanoids. The gnome confesses that the shopkeeper in Winterhaven is behind the cultist activity. The party also rescues the missing mentor who asks his pupils to dig deeper into the cultist's activities. They also recover a mirror, a relic the cultists were looking for.

The party returns to Winterhaven with the gnome and the mentor. Before reaching the town, they spot trouble at one of the farms. The enter the farm and defeat the ruffians but fail so save the farmer's daughter. The captured ruffians, who also are involved with the cult, confirm the Winterhaven shopkeeper's involvement in the cult's activities.

Total XP: 580
Total Coins: 18 gp, 28 sp

zaterdag 28 januari 2012

Agenda februari 2012

Gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven. Dit kan door een e-mail te sturen naar rpga-lva@skynet.be, door een reactie achter te laten op deze blogpagina, of door een bericht achter te laten op onze mailinglist http://groups.google.com/group/rpga-lva.

Zondag 5 februari – Adventure Path
Slot 1: Adventure Path – DM Jeroen Janssens
The campaign launches with the adventure Keep on the Shadowfell. This is an adventure for 1st level characters. Check out this post for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

Zaterdag 25 februari – Scales of War
Slot 1: Scales of War – DM James Prieels
The campaign continues with the adventure Alliance at Nefulus. This is an adventure for 14th level characters. Check out the campaign website for more information.
Samenkomst bij J&M om 11:00. Start om 11:15.

zondag 8 januari 2012

Adventure Path

The Campaign

We are starting a campaign that will take the characters from 1st to 30th level through the series of adventures (H1-H2-H3-P1-P2-P3-E1-E2-E3) published by Wizards of the Coast. This campaign is open to all players. After each adventure we will switch to another dungeon master.

Every character (even if that character's player is not present or if he is the DM) gains the same amount of XP (combat, skill challenge and quest). When the next adventure begins, every character gains enough additional XP to reach the minimum level of that adventure. In-game the missing characters are always present but outside the encounter (guarding the rear in dungeons, scouting ahead or the flanks in wilderniss area, doing something else when in rural area, …). XP will be handed out during the session. Characters can level during the session but only after an extended rest. Every player should prepare the level-up for his character. Character death will follow the standard rules. There will be no charity clause.

Each level, each character can find one magic item parcel with a magic item lvl+2. By the end of the adventure, the DM makes sure all characters (including absent players’ characters and the DM’s character) received their allotment of found magic items. The players should prepare their list of magic items and deliver it to the DM before the adventure. The party will find other monetary rewards in a per character format in stead of a nominal amount. The total money (including residiuum) found will be logged on this site. Each player must keep track of his money spend which may not be more than his remaining starting gold in addition to the gold per character found. If the partymembers must pay something (ferry, food, ...) all characters must pay it (including the characters who's players are not present). These expences will be deducted in the same per character format as for found gold.

The Characters

We are looking for characters with depth that can be roleplayed in stead of being rollplayed. They should be generally good alligned, teamplayers and interested in the story lines. If you are interested, you can send a character proposal to Jeroen that contains the following information: race, class, character concept (history, demeanor, ...), Role (striker, defender, ...) and campaign hook (see below). You do not need to send a detailed character sheet at this time. Take into account that your characters are only just starting their adventuring career (0 xp). Do not send these proposals to the whole group.

Character Creation

Ability Scores : 22 Point Buy

Equipment: 100 gp.

Background: Characters can choose backgrounds from either the general backgrounds or the Scales of War specific backgrounds. Other backgrounds are not allowed. If you do not have access to these backgrounds, contact Jeroen or Joost.

Deity: Deities are limited to core deities only.

All published (in a book) Wizards of the Coast material is allowed. Dragon content is also allowed with the exception of playtest material.

Campaign Hooks

When starting the campaign, your character finds itself en route to the town of Winterhaven for one of the following reasons:

A) You seek news of your old friend and mentor Douven Stall. He trained you for a life of adventure but left three months ago and headed for Winterhaven. He should have returned some time ago. you fear the worst and are determined to find out what happend to your mentor.

B) You were hired by a scholar named Parle Cranewig to locate an old keep and map it.

C) You were contacted by Marla, a young priest of Bahamut, whose research has led here to believe a secret cult has set up shop in the area.